Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Black Death

The Black Death was a huge epidemic in history an spread across Europe at a rapid rate. It first started in England around 1348 then carried into London that same year in September. After hitting both those areas it carried into Wales and The Midlands by the spring of 1349 and by the end of the summer of 1349 it crossed the Irish Sea and started heading north. After it went north it hit Durham in the same year of 1349 and by 1350 it had made it to Scotland. The black plague had been making it's way across all of Europe really fast leaving death in its tracks. London being one of the largest cities to get hit by this crazy infection was as a whole a complete contamination, there was really no hope, sanitation was gone. In Scotland in was falling apart as a community everyone was fighting and riots began to break out. In some areas 80- 90% of the population had died, as a country around 30- 40% of Europe had died. The plague didn't completely end until the end of the 17th century. It had left Europe in a devastating state, killing a lot of people in its path.

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