Thursday, December 6, 2012

Introduction to Plague

Plagues are started by an infection that takes place in Lympathic System, and is caused by a bacteria called Yersinia pestis. You most commonly got this by being bitten by the fleas on rodents and in some cases by caring an animal that is infected with the plague. This infection however in contagious so yes that means it spread around pretty quickly. In most cases when these huge plagues were occurring there wasn't any treatment, without treatment about 50% of the people infected died. Not to mention it destroyed populations by killing so many people. Usually within four days if your not treated you will die from the infection. However you would be surprised to know that this actually helped and turned around the European economy. This is an important topic because it shows how much the medical world has changed throughout history, how much more lives can be saved now a days, and how thankful we should be for that. I choose this topic because it interest me to know that one little flea could effect so many people. This infection has been in a lot of historical moments throughout history but I'm going to focus on one of them The Black Death.

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