Sunday, December 9, 2012

Symptoms and Treatments

You may get symptoms when you have the plague and there are some ways to treat the plague after all. Some of the things that might occur to you if you were to have this disease is chills, high fevers, muscle cramps, seizures, your skin may turn to a sort of pink color as well. You generally don't feel very good, you just feel sick.You may also breath very deep and puke up blood if you have it. You will be in extreme pain during this disease as well and pretty much feel terrible. If not treated your body has a 50- 90% mortality rate. The treatment now is antibiotics and those should be given to you as soon as possible, as soon as you are witnessing symptoms within the first 24 hours. The traditional treatment recommended by medieval doctors was to eat healthy, get lots of sleep, and to not live in the environment that you were in when you were sick because they believed the air was what was causing infection. This actually did help though but it wasn't helping for the reason doctors thought, it helped because they were getting away from the bacteria that was in their infected environment. So as you can see technology has effect the way we treat infections today, and more people survive because of this.

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